Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hobbies: A Waste of Time or Another Spiritual Lesson?

I've always enjoyed crafting. Even as a kid, I would sit and look through our activity and project books to see if we had all the supplies for a particular craft. There's something about being creative that is so satisfying. I imagine that's God sharing a little bit of His creativity with me. Think about that for a moment...by engaging in hobbies like crafting, cooking, gardening, etc., we get a little taste of God as the Creator of the Universe. That's pretty cool!

Pinterest. I love it. It's been a really fun way for me to try new recipes, explore new ideas of design, craftiness and party planning. It seems like there is a bulletin board for just about everything these days. I know some people view it as another online time waster, and I'm sure I've wasted a few hours away pinning. I guess I put it in the same category as Facebook- it's all in how you use it.

Pinterest has introduced me to the world of food bloggers and so many new recipes that one could argue I could never make them all. Although, I have to admit, I have tried a LOT of new recipes (most of them keepers, by the way). Currently, I have Thai Chicken in the crockpot and just last night we had a fantastic Chicken Pot Pie!

My other hobby as of late has been gardening. I'm SO thankful for a husband who doesn't mind is willing to get down on his hands and knees to help with weeding and planting. He does so many things he doesn't really like to do- merely out of love! *sigh* We have a little ant problem, so, we've only been able to plant half of the garden. These little plants are truly amazing. One morning there was a little leaf poking out of the dirt...the next morning there are two full leaves completely sprouted! There are so many spiritual lessons to be learned from our garden. It makes me so excited to see if they will bear fruit and veggies. We've enjoyed several rounds of rhubarb and I think the strawberries are next. I'm hoping to catch some of the wild berry bushes near our house before all the dog-walkers pick them all.

So, there you have it...a little taste into the boring adulthood of my life. I still laugh at myself every now and then as I realize, "I'm a grown-up. This is my life." So many years were spent longing for the day I could drive, or have my own place or be married. I'm thankful for each phase of my life- even the really hard ones...and the boring ones. I'm thankful for today and the many, many ways God reveals more of Himself to me- even through hobbies. I hope that as you sit in front of your computer, or wherever your hobbies may take you, that you are reminded of God and His incredible creativity!

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