Monday, July 01, 2013

Life-Changing Moments

There are moments in life that will forever change the way you look at the rest of your life…for me some of those moments include being in a car accident, getting married, moving overseas, assisting in the birth of a child, 9-11, and the death of my Grandma.

It happened quite suddenly, Grandma had open-heart surgery on Monday and was recovering quite well. On Saturday, I received the call that the Dr. only gave her hours to live. Living in Germany meant there was no way that I could physically be there to say "Goodbye". Words can't express how hard that was for me.

Anyone who has had the privilege of knowing their Grandparents, probably have many wonderful memories with them. I am no different. Memories of dresses and curtains she made for me, putting curlers in her hair for a payment of $.25, spending the week at Grandma's while I recovered from the chickenpox and that horrible blind date she set me up on because she was so worried I would never get married. My Grandma and I had a different bond because she was my fill-in-mom. My mom left when I was 7, and Grandma came to live with us during the week and went home to be with Grandpa on the weekends. She taught me lots of things, but most importantly she always pointed me to Jesus as the answer to all of my questions. Just like any mother/daughter relationship we didn't always see eye to eye, but I knew she loved me and was proud of me.

I will never forget her words to me before my wedding. "Melissa, I'm so proud of you. I always knew there was something extra special about you."  My biggest disappointment is that I was sick during her funeral and was unable to sing as she requested. I know she would understand, but it still makes me sad.

I am so thankful for a Grandma who loved Jesus and wasn't afraid to share Him with others. I will treasure her memory always and my life will never be the same here without her. I look forward to seeing her again someday.

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