Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Do you ever take time to think about how far you've come or the changes and growth you've made (or need to make) in your life? I've always been a pretty introspective gal, but birthdays tend to bring it those thoughts to the forefront of my mind. Now that Kyle and I have an anniversary a week before my birthday, I have LOTS of things to think about! As I was driving around today, I heard the song Beautiful by Mercy Me and it took me back to a sweet memory.

I guess it's been almost two or three years ago now, but I was going through a very difficult time and one of the main issues that had surfaced during that time was the way I viewed myself. I won't go into all the gruesome details, but I spent some time working on understanding where those thoughts came from, what God says about me and then working on the things about myself that I wanted to change. One of my "homework" assignments was to go clothes shopping. Shopping used to be (and still sometimes is) one of my least favorite things to do! I tend to look in the mirror and evaluate all the things I don't like instead of the clothing hanging on my frame. I don't know, but I tend to think this is pretty common for most women. Anyway, I spent three hours in a store with someone who helped me select clothes that fit me well, complimented my frame and basically praised me over and over and over. I had never finished a shopping excursion feeling energized before that! On top of all that, it started to snow a picture perfect snow, and it felt like it was just a special gift- just for me. As I walked out of the store feeling uplifted and just thanking God for the beautiful snow and the healing that had started from this experience, I started the car and suddenly began to cry as I heard the words that seemed straight from God's mouth to me, "You're beautiful. You're beautiful. You are made for so much more than all of this. You're beautiful. You are treasured. You are sacred. You are His. You're beautiful."

Even now those words hold special meaning to me, and I will always hold that memory close. I am thankful for the healing God has brought to my life in this area. There are still times where I struggle with who I am, how I look, or why God made me the way He made me, but there are many other times where I sense God's healing touch on this broken part of my life. Part of that healing has come from my dear, sweet husband Kyle. He has blessed me in so many ways, but he reminds me of his love for me and calls me beautiful each and every day. He is a precious extension of God's love for me and I am so grateful for God's continued healing in my life.

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