Sunday, May 31, 2009

Whoda thunk?

Well, the big news in my life these days is that I have been given a car- FOR FREE! I'm so excited! And the bigger news is that it is a MINIVAN! Never in my unmarried life did I think that I would be the owner of a minivan, but it has turned out to be a great gift. Just a few minutes ago, I returned from lunch with the singles. We were going to a new restaurant, and only a few people knew the location. So, I volunteered to drive. It was so fun! We laughed and listened to funny music like, "Mm-Bop, by Hansen". It has been nicknamed the party van. :)
What a blessing to my soul to reconnect with the single community here- and whoda thunk it would come in the form of a minivan?

1 comment:

  1. Sah-WEET! That's so awesome Mel! Praising God with you for your new miniV. God is so good. :) And yay for single communities and fun shared memories. :-D Courtney
