Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wide Awake

I don't really listen to the radio much, but this morning on the drive to work Kyle and I listened. As I was driving home, I heard the song "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry. I've never been able to listen to Katy Perry without feeling a little sad at who she is and who she used to be. If you don't know, Katy used to be known as Katy Hudson and was sponsored by Focus on the Family. Hard to believe, right? Anyway, it got me to thinking about people in my life who were once followers of Christ, but for whatever reason have walked away from the faith. I wish I could capture the deep sadness this creates in my soul. How could anyone genuinely walk away from the Lord? Did I play a role in their disillusionment? Will they ever return?

As I listened to the words of "Wide Awake", I heard Biblical references to "being born again" and"out of the lion's den" and I just wondered where those words came from for her. Has she "fallen from cloud  nine" and is realizing this life of fame and fortune isn't all it was cracked up to be? Since we don't watch TV here and I manage to avoid most of the online news, I really have no idea where Katy is on anything. However, I do know that anytime I hear about Katy I think about her life growing up and what the Lord may have for her and so many like her.

The last several months I have been studying the book of Jeremiah. One of the major themes is "Turn or Return." It has been fascinating to read and see how the Lord is hurt by Israel's adultery with other gods, but He still longs for them to return. He talks about His anger, but also that more than that He longs for them to return. He has given chance after chance and He STILL wants them to return. There are so many people in our lives who have not blatantly walked away from the faith, but have continued to go to church but have "given up on God" in their hearts. They live with guilt of their sin, but they are still seeking- unwilling to make a decision. He wants them to RETURN!

So, the next time you hear her Katy's music or see her face on TV or a magazine, consider praying for her return to the Lord and for the many others who have turned away. Pray for their eyes to be opened and that they would truly be wide awake.

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