Thursday, August 30, 2012


As I watched the lines of cars heading onto base to drop their kids off, I began to think about homework. School started this last Monday and I admit I was a little jealous of all the kids loaded up with their backpacks and new little outfits headed into their classroom to learn. There's just something about school that I love. I love learning new things, being close to other people while we figure out the subject material and the planner in me adores my new calendar that I have to meticulously write all my new assignments in. :) During the majority of my growing up years, I planned on going to college to become an Elementary school teacher. I used to play school and all of my stuffed animals (and two brothers) were my students. Even now, I love to look at all the bulletin board ideas and how I would arrange my classroom. Who knows? Someday I may have the opportunity to be a classroom teacher, but for now my homework consists of home work.

Kyle and I recently completed a class on how to lead a Precepts Bible study. We spent our Saturday reading, studying and digesting the book of Titus. In Titus 2:5, it talks about how women should be "workers at home". This literally means to take care of and protect the home. Right now, God has allowed me to be in a position where I am to guard and protect my home. This does not just mean doing the dishes and laundry, but to care for and protect those who take shelter in my home. Oh, that I would have a heart for home work!

God continues to challenge and refine me, and I continue to learn new lessons on a daily basis. I may not have a syllabus of what is required of me this semester, but He has shown me what is good and what the Lord requires of me- but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God. [paraphrase of Micah 6:8]


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM

    HOw funny, I just posted a snippet of Micah 6:8 in another facebook post. I should write note on this has been so in my heart lately. Coming from a family of female late bloomers...don't worry, the women in our family do get around to doing their dream jobs, it just takes a while. God's timing is perfect.
