Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Lion Speaks Again

"Are you a tame lion?" she asks. Aslan responds, "No, but I am good."

–Chronicles of Narnia

This quote from the Chronicles of Narnia is one that has been pivotal to me in the last few months. Each time I find myself in a position that is difficult or unexpected, I am reminded of how my God is fierce, powerful and good.

Today I had a conversation with a friend of mine in the States. We talk once a month about the big things in our lives and just try to encourage one another through it all. I was telling her about my current stressors which were beginning to feel like they were spiraling out of control. My mouth was talking about wanting to trust God with it, but my heart was fearful and unsure. She shared her current stressors as well and we both just sat quietly, contemplating the chaos we call our lives. We were about ready to say goodbye when out of nowhere she says, "I've had this phrase from Chronicles of Narnia buzzing through my head this whole conversation. 'He's not a tame lion.'" It really didn't fit in the conversation at all, but I instantly started crying. I told her about how pivotal that phrase had been in my life the last two months. How they had been a mantra of sorts, reminding me that God is in control. Although I don't believe those words were from her, the message could not have been any more clear to me.

"Melissa, I am not tame, but I am good. I have this situation under control, and I will take care of you."

I have NO idea how God is going to work out these complicated situations in my life, but no matter what happens- He is totally and completely trustworthy. I know this full well.

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