Yesterday, a small group of singles went to see the movie Avatar. I thoroughly enjoyed my first real 3-D experience! The colors in this movie stimulated my imagination and prompted me to open my eyes to the beautiful world around me even now. I am not writing this to debate the “hidden” or not so hidden messages of this movie, but to share a line that really touched me. It is used multiple times, usually between a man and a woman, but sometimes between rivals. The line is “I see you”, meaning not only do I see you with my physical eyes, I see the core of who you are…the real you. It was a beautiful picture that made me think about the longing we all have to be known- to be really known. It’s one of the reasons I love the line from One Fine Day, where George Clooney’s character says to Michelle Pfeiffer’s character, “I know your name, Mel.” We all long to be seen as more than the shell of who we are, or even our personality. It seems that in the understanding of the line “I see you” is an implied “I love you and accept you as who you truly are”. Who doesn’t want that?
I’ve been reading in I John lately and a verse that I highlighted on Sunday seems to be in a similar vein…4:14, “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us.” It’s more than just a head knowledge, there’s a connection there. Not long after that in verse 18, it talks about how perfect love casts out all fear. There is no fear in being known and loved. We all build our walls on this physical earth, primarily due to sin and our wounds, but we are known intimately and completely by our Almighty Creator who loves us. Now if we could only believe it.