As a current resident of Germany, I hear a lot about the weather. The last couple of weeks, we have had a LOT of sunshine and it's amazing how it affects people's moods. I enjoy the sun as much as the next person, but today I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as I drove through huge drops of rain!
The last couple of weeks have been uber-stressful for me. I won't go into detail because it's truly irrelevant. Suffice it to say, I no longer burst into tears when someone asks the penetrating question, "How are you today?". Anyway, I have been so frustrated this week with deadlines and a workload that simply felt out of control. Today, just as I signed the dotted line, completing one of my biggest deadlines, huge drops of rain began to fall from the sky. I felt such relief in finally being free of this project, and it was almost as if the weather changed to match my sense of relief. I know that God rarely causes the weather to change just for my pleasure, but I must admit there are times where I feel He communicates to me in little things like rain. It's so hard to explain, but those drops were refreshing to my soul. I know the heat of life will continue to beat down on me, but just when I think I can't take it any more, He will send refreshing drops to satisfy me. I know that rain is often thought of as gloomy weather (and after weeks of it- I would agree), but today, raindrops were beautiful words of healing from a Father who loves me.