Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Weird Day

Today has been a weird day. For a couple of reasons's been over 24 hours since I said "goodbye" to Kyle. Even though we have only been married for two years, it's really strange to not have him come home after work. I didn't realize how much I looked forward to that each day. The "missing" is a moment by moment thing, but the prayers of so many have been carrying me through these strange and difficult times. Thank you.

It's also a weird day, because it's the official "Don't speed in Germany day", or at least that's what I like to call it. Today, the Polizei have speed traps all over our area, and they are also pulling people over to check that they have winter tires on and such. If you are pulled over and receive a fine, you are expected to pay in cash, on the spot. I had a friend who said they knew someone who was pulled over and did not have cash, and a Polizei escorted them to an ATM. How weird is that? Anyway, it's been a quite pleasant day to drive on the road...only a few stupid people riding my tail, trying to pass me because I'm going the speed limit. As well as, everyone in general just seemed to drive better. It's quite a funny thing. I'm sure tomorrow will go back to the normal, crazy driving habits and people going 70 in the 50 desperately trying to pass me for driving the posted limit. Honestly, it reminds me a bit of how us Christians like to live sometimes. Occassionally, a sermon or time in the Word will remind us of how we should be living, and we consciously live the way we're called to live. Then, we become careless, or too busy- that doesn't really apply to me, 'cause I mean well. God will understand. Why is it we're so good at following the law when we know there are consequences, but we don't really care if we think we can get away with it? We're human, I know...but I think there is more under the surface of this question.

Thoughts like this really do make me miss Kyle. He is my answer man. Honestly, he's more like a human commentary. :) Guess I'll have to do more thinking on my own. Boy, this growing thing can be challenging!